Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 150

The first "official" day of Summer Vacation.  The question wouldn't be; "What did we do today?" but rather "What DIDN"T we do today?"  One of the things we did do was go to the park to play tennis, basketball and baseball.  It was a great day.

Day 149

M loves to play board games.  His favorite one right now is Life.

Day 148

There were so many better things I could have taken a picture of today, but I was too busy living in the day and not taking pictures!  Oh well, I remembered before bed, so here is a picture of luggage.   Enjoy!!

Day 147

We are on the road to visit the Grandparents for the weekend!

Day 146

Today was the last day of school and there was an all school olympic day and picnic at the park.  Here is the back of M's shirt which was signed by a lot of the kids there.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 145

M singing with other students at his school's closing ceremony and awards night.  I can't believe he is going to be a 2nd grader next year!  We are so proud of him!

Day 144

M getting his medal and "Hall of Fame" certificate from his soccer coaches!  What a great season, a great group of kids and coaches!

Day 143

A VERY blurry picture of my morning breakfast smoothie!

Day 142

M pitching in his baseball game.  He is getting better.  It's tough to have the arm strength as a first grader!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 134

I'm not sure if this picture counts as I didn't actually take the picture.  However, I'm taking the day off for Mother's Day!

Day 133

M with an early Mother's day present for me!

Day 132

M eating his 2nd dinner post game.  Right now, he is so hungry.   He's been eating us out of house and home!

Day 131

Entertainment night at M's school  His class sang a song from the show Newsies.

Day 130

M won the player of the game for outstanding play in the field!

Day 129

Haircut, Highlights and a Starbucks treat.  A pretty perfect afternoon!

Day 128

oops...  Missed a day  :(

Day 127

Helping Daddy celebrate his birthday a day early.

Day 126

Two silly and sweet best friends after a sleep over!

Day 125

A yummy treat!

Day 124

The view through my open sun roof.  Finally, a nice day!

Day 123

Our shingle siding is going up!

Day 122

Working on homework with Dad.

Day 121

On the way to baseball practice!

Day 120

On the ice again!

Day 119

We seem to have become the unofficial time and score keepers for M's hockey team.

Day 118

Life with the flu :(

Day 117

Getting ready to go on the ice for practice.

Day 116

Morning commute to school.Spelling lists, key card, banana and water.

Day 115

M and his best friend Doggie.

Day 114

Ready for his 1st preseason baseball game.  They are the pinto Atlanta Braves.

Day 113

A momentous occasion!  M scored his first hat-trick!  I hope that it is one of many for him!