Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 112

Soccer Game!!

Day 111

Oops, bad week, missed another picture.

Day 110

At the Blackhawks playoff game against the Coyotes.  Unfortunately, they lost.

Day 109

Oops!  No picture!

Day 108

Playing with maple tree "helicopters."

Day 107

Pretty Blooms

Day 106

Practice at the Northshore baseball academy

Day 105

1st soccer game for the yellow jackets

Day 104

A relaxing trip to Target, sipping a latte and browsing the aisles

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 92

Last Hawks home game of the season.

Day 91

Laundry.  The unfortunate result of Spring Break Vacation!

Day 90

Some time on Santa Monica Beach.  Spring Break day 4!!

Day 89

A Bike ride to Venice Beach.  Spring Break Day 3!!

Day 88

Universal Studios.  Spring Break Day 2!!

Day 87

Santa Monica Pier.  Spring Break Vacation day 1!

Day 86

Need new equipment!!

Day 85

Baseball meet-n-greet.

Day 84

M and his friend hit the jackpot of tickets at Chuck-e-Cheese!